The series of lectures of Professor Cecilia Pennacini from University of Turin
From the 21st till the 26th of October there were the sessions of scientific seminar of International Centre of Anthropology named "Homo sapiens historicus". Our lecturer Cecilia Pennacini, Full Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Director of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, University of Turin presented the series of lectures.
At 21st of October was the lecture named "The religious landscape of the Great Lakes Africa". You could see the record of it on our YouTube channel by the following link:
At 22nd of October was the lecture named "Women and power in Buganda kingdom (Uganda)". You could see the record of it on our YouTube channel by the following link:
At 26th of October was the lecture named "Anthropological museums and their present challenges". You could see the record of it on our YouTube channel by the following link:
Wamala tomb (Nansana, Wakiso district) containing the shrine of Kabaka (king) Suuna II (1832-1856), Buganda Kingdom. August 2009. Credits: Cecilia Pennacini.