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International Centre of Anthropology

Africa and the Formation of the New System of International Relations—Vol. II Beyond Summit Diplomacy: Cooperation with Africa in the Post-pandemic World

Vasiliev Alexey M., Degterev Denis A., Shaw T. M. et al.

Vol. II: Beyond Summit Diplomacy: Cooperation with Africa in the Post-pandemic World. Cham: Springer, 2023.

Global Evolutionary Perspectives on Gender Differences in Religiosity, Family, Politics and Pro-Social Values Based on the Data from the World Values Survey

Julia Z., Butovskaya M., Sergey S. et al.

Social Evolution & History. 2024. Vol. 23. No. 1. P. 76-105.

Book chapter
The African Union—United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID): Mission Accomplished?

Sergey V. Kostelyanets.

In bk.: Africa and the Formation of the New System of International Relations—Vol. II Beyond Summit Diplomacy: Cooperation with Africa in the Post-pandemic World. Vol. II: Beyond Summit Diplomacy: Cooperation with Africa in the Post-pandemic World. Cham: Springer, 2023. P. 301-315.



14 December 2023

Lecture of Glen Segell

On the 14th of December there was the new session of scientific seminar of International Centre of Anthropology named "Homo sapiens historicus". Our lecturer Glen Segell, Professor, University of Cambridge, Visiting Professor, University of the Free State, presented the report "Anthropology and Counterinsurgency: Breaking the Cycle of Violence in Iraq 2003-2010".

17 February 2022

Lecture of Ludomir R. Lozny

On the 17th of February there was the session of scientific seminar of International Centre of Anthropology named "Homo sapiens historicus". Our lecturer was Ludomir R. Lozny, Managing Editor, Human Ecology, Hunter College, The City University of New York, with the report "Participatory polycentric governance as a viable strategy for sustainable wellbeing"

10 February 2022

Lecture of Ludomir R. Lozny

On the 10th of February there was the session of scientific seminar of International Centre of Anthropology named "Homo sapiens historicus". Our lecturer was Ludomir R. Lozny, Managing Editor, Human Ecology, Hunter College, The City University of New York, with the report "Sphere of authority as an analytical tool to assess the level of political (dis)aggregation".

The International Centre of Anthropology was founded in February 2018 as a research unit within the School of History, Faculty of Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics. The Centre studies social institutions, forms of political organization and cultures of peoples of the past and present in historical dynamics, in the context of local and global sociocultural history.

The Centre's basic activities are fundamental studies of societies of different epochs, geographic areas and sociocultural types, elaboration and fulfilment of international research and educational projects in the field of historical anthropology, organization of academic conferences, seminars and summer schools for Russian and foreign post-graduate students, young university teachers and researchers. One of the main objectives of the Centre is active involvement of young scholars in its activities, resulting in the increase of their professional level and early intellectual and organizational integration into the global academic community (through participation in international research projects, etc.).