HSH-online: доклад Петко Христова "Bulgarian labor mobility on the territory of the USSR in the decades of socialism. The Bulgarians in Komi ASSR"
29 ноября (среда) в 18:30 состоится очередное заседание научного семинара Международного центра антропологии Homo sapiens historicus. С докладом на тему "Bulgarian labor mobility on the territory of the USSR in the decades of socialism. The Bulgarians in Komi ASSR" выступит Associate Professor , PhD, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Петко Христов.
The presentation traces the development of the largest labour mobility of Bulgarians abroad during the decades of socialism. In the period 1968 – 1993, thousands of Bulgarian citizens worked in the Bulgarian-Soviet logging enterprises in Komi ASSR. Men, women, families with children become part of the largest project of the Bulgarian Communist Party for temporary life and work in the Soviet Union, in the taiga of the Komi people. Bulgarian workers build four towns (поселки) in the taiga – Usogorsk (1968-1969), Blagoevo (1969-1970), Mezhdurechensk (1970-1971) and Verhnemezensk (1978-1982).
For a quarter of century, thousands of Bulgarian workers were employed for various terms of work in the harsh climatic conditions of the Northern Taiga. This marks their lifetimes and leaves unforgettable memories in each of them. A specific Bulgarian subculture developed in Komi, which formed small communities, many of which maintain ties with each other to this day.
How are the main moments of this contract policy of the USSR and the PR Bulgaria unfolding, what benefits is Bulgaria accumulating and what problems are faced by the loggers who formed a memory of the work in Komi – all questions to which this presentation seeks answers and points of view.
Доклад будет представлен на русском языке.
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The photos are from a family album tracing the construction of the city of Mezhdurechensk. They are owned by private individuals, but we have their consent to use them for scientific purposes