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105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, building 3

Phone: +7 (495) 772 95 90 *22858

School Head Galina O. Babkova
Deputy Head of the School Pavel Puchkov
Academic Supervisor Alexander B. Kamenskii
Book chapter
Between Geopolitical Ambition, Energy Nationalism, and Capacity Deficit: Russia’s Thorny Relationship with Climate Change

Sergey V. Kostelyanets.

In bk.: BRICS and Climate Change: Balancing National Interests, National Development Goals and Global Environmental Sustainability. Singapore: Springer, 2024. Ch. 3. P. 67-96.

Working paper
Popular Music as Cultural Heritage: Memory of the Leningrad Rock Club in St. Petersburg

Kolesnik A., Rusanov A.

Working Papers of Humanities. WP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2021. No. 205.

Tag "humanities" – News

How Are Human Sciences and Sociology and the Humanities Related? The Debate Continues

The Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities (IGITI) held an international conference on 29-30 October 2015 on ‘Biological Concepts, Models, and Metaphors in Social and Human Sciences’. For two days, Russian, European and American researchers discussed the relations between social sciences and the humanities and various life sciences. This topic arises largely in the light of the recent boom in genetics, medicine and biology which have led academics to reconsider previous concepts of boundaries and connections between disciplines.