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105066 Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, building 3

Phone: +7 (495) 772 95 90 *22858

School Head Galina O. Babkova
Deputy Head of the School Pavel Puchkov
Academic Supervisor Alexander B. Kamenskii
Book chapter
Between Geopolitical Ambition, Energy Nationalism, and Capacity Deficit: Russia’s Thorny Relationship with Climate Change

Sergey V. Kostelyanets.

In bk.: BRICS and Climate Change: Balancing National Interests, National Development Goals and Global Environmental Sustainability. Singapore: Springer, 2024. Ch. 3. P. 67-96.

Working paper
Popular Music as Cultural Heritage: Memory of the Leningrad Rock Club in St. Petersburg

Kolesnik A., Rusanov A.

Working Papers of Humanities. WP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2021. No. 205.

Tag "partnerships" – News

Extramural School ‘Forced Labour during WWII: Analysis of Documents and Exchange of International Experiences’

Extramural School ‘Forced Labour during WWII: Analysis of Documents and Exchange of International Experiences’
From October 1 – 7th, 2015, HSE students and graduates in history participated in an extramural school headed by Professor Oleg Budnitsky on ‘Forced Labour during WWII: Analysis of Documents and International Exchange of Experience’ in Berlin, Germany.

Alexander Kamenskii Presented Reports in USA

Alexander Kamenskii, Head of the School of History took part in the conference ‘KOLL-MANIA. Celebrating the scholarship of Nancy Shields Kollmann’ that was held on October 8-10 in Stanford.  Alexander Kamenskii presented the report ‘A Story of Criminal Love in the 18th Century’ – a case study based on a lawsuit found in the archive of Moscow office on zemstvo affairs.

Articles by HSE Professors Published in ‘Word and Image in Russian History’ Collection

Academic Studies Press issued the ‘Word and Image in Russian History: Essays in Honor of Gary Marker’. The articles ‘Businesswomen in Eighteenth-Century Russian Provinicial Towns’ by Alexander Kamenskii and ‘Catherine’s Liberation of the Greeks: High-Minded Discourse and Everyday Realities’ by Elena Smilyanskaya were also included in the collection.

Alexandra Kolesnik Took Part in the Workshops of the Department of Music at the University of Chicago

Alexandra Kolesnik Took Part in the Workshops of the Department of Music at the University of Chicago
On April 2-3, 2015 Alexandra Kolesnik, Research Assistant at Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities took part in ‘EthNoise!: The Music, Language, and Culture Workshop’ organized by the Department of Music at the University of Chicago. 

Lecture by Professor Budnitskii at European University Institute

Lecture by Professor Budnitskii at European University Institute
On April 1, 2015 Oleg Budnitskii, Professor at the School of History and HSE Honorary Professor delivered a lecture on ‘Women in the Red Army, 1941–45’ at the colloquium of the History Department of the European University Institute (Florence). 

Electronic Version of Volume V of the Byzantine Inscriptions of the North Black Sea Presented by Project ISOPE 3 at King’s College London

Electronic Version of Volume V of the Byzantine Inscriptions of the North Black Sea Presented by Project ISOPE 3 at King’s College London
On the 10th March at King’s College London, the IOSPE 3 project involving Russian French and British funding and researchers presented the electronic version of Volume V of Byzantine Inscriptions from the Northern Black Sea.